Will your website be poached?

Read this if you own a .co.uk domain.

Way back when in 2013, the UK domain registry (Nominet) expanded the kinds of UK website that you could register, allowing registrations of yournamehere.uk as well as yournamehere.co.uk (i.e. dropping the “co” part).

Mindful of protecting existing domains, Nominet put in place a mechanism so that, if you owned yournamehere.co.uk, you would be automatically given the right of first refusal over yournamehere.uk as well.

That right of first refusal is time-limited, and runs out on 1 July 2019.

If you haven’t bought your .uk equivalent by then, or if you have bought it but let the registration lapse since then, it becomes first-come, first-served, and you face the propsect of losing the corresponding .uk website to someone else.

The .uk Dispute Resolution Service is a fantastic protection against cybersquatters and people maliciously taking over lapsed websites, but there are circumstances where someone else might be able to claim equivalent rights to the .uk domain. Better to be safe than sorry.

So double-check your domain ownership, and avoid an unnecessary conflict.