If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable commercial-IP lawyer then Simon is an excellent choice

Sellars Legal is not a traditional law firm.

We specialise in the areas of law and business that we know best. We take advantage of modern technology and working practices to provide cost-effective legal advice in a way that works for you.

We work best when we work together. Our advice is relevant and effective, and we position ourselves as an outsourced in-house legal service. We want to drop the barriers in the way of your business getting the advice it needs.

Our fees are highly competitive, and we will always create a bespoke service package that fits what you need. 

We believe in understanding your business.  Without that, our advice is not practical or relevant.  We will take the time to get to know why you’re asking us what you’re asking us.

What you need may change over time, and we will adapt and evolve with you to ensure a collaborative and productive working relationship.

Take a look here for more detailed regulatory information about how Sellars Legal will work for you.